This is the fifth decentralised syllabus I have co-created with my learners. This one is  6 weeks long and includes a ‘Review’ activity, which I think is a really good idea.

I also made individual learning plans with everyone in this group. Feel free to download a blank learning plan for your learners below.

Individual-Learning-Plan.pdf (510 downloads)

Drop me a line if you use these in class – tell me how you use them!



budweiser_budvar_nrb_500ml                     Syllabus 5 – ‘Budvar

Permanent themes:

Useful phrases: renting a flat, talking to a landlord

Vocabulary – phrasal verbs, fixed expressions and idioms, free conversation, how to speak in a professional way

                                  Short stories (written homework)


Week Activity Comments

(26th Nov. 2014)

Evaluation Syllabus 4

Plan syllabus 5

Suggest one TED talk for next week?
1 Reported Speech

TED Talks

2 Narrative tenses

Beer chat/ tell a joke

Intercultural awareness

3 Pronunciation of sentences

Presentation with PP


Find songs in your native language you like, translate and send to others
4 Order of adjectives

Translate songs

5 Toki Pona (T)

Prepositions and Articles

6 Using technology to learn languages (T)

Newspaper articles


7 Famous short stories with discussion and related vocabulary Can you find short stories from your own country that have been translated into English?


(T) denotes my suggestions, all the rest are from the learners.

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