This is the fifth decentralised syllabus I have co-created with my learners. This one is 6 weeks long and includes a ‘Review’ activity, which I think is a really good idea.
I also made individual learning plans with everyone in this group. Feel free to download a blank learning plan for your learners below.
Individual-Learning-Plan.pdf (510 downloads)
Drop me a line if you use these in class – tell me how you use them!
Permanent themes:
Useful phrases: renting a flat, talking to a landlord
Vocabulary – phrasal verbs, fixed expressions and idioms, free conversation, how to speak in a professional way
Short stories (written homework)
Week | Activity | Comments |
(26th Nov. 2014) |
Evaluation Syllabus 4
Plan syllabus 5 |
Suggest one TED talk for next week? |
1 | Reported Speech
TED Talks |
2 | Narrative tenses
Beer chat/ tell a joke Intercultural awareness |
3 | Pronunciation of sentences
Presentation with PP +Review |
Find songs in your native language you like, translate and send to others |
4 | Order of adjectives
Translate songs |
5 | Toki Pona (T)
Prepositions and Articles |
6 | Using technology to learn languages (T)
Newspaper articles +Review |
7 | Famous short stories with discussion and related vocabulary | Can you find short stories from your own country that have been translated into English? |
(T) denotes my suggestions, all the rest are from the learners.